DIY's & Tutorials, Fashion & Beauty

How to Properly Hang Your Sweaters…so they won’t get RUINED!

Gravity takes a horrible toll on hanging sweaters. Stretched out fabric, pokey shoulder imprints and ruined necklines begone with this simple sweater hanging method. You probably are not going to believe this, but I bet you are 100% hanging your sweaters the wrong way! Okay, well maybe not ALL of you. But I have seen… Read More How to Properly Hang Your Sweaters…so they won’t get RUINED!

DIY's & Tutorials, Lifestyle

A Simple Valentine’s Day Tradition: 14 Days of Love Notes for Your Valentine

Start this simple, yet meaningful, Valentine’s Day tradition, with your family this year. Valentine’s Day is filled with great traditions; sugary conversation hearts, boxes of chocolate, red roses, and my of my personal favorite, exchanging valentines. I mean who doesn’t love getting sweet notes of encouragement, affirmation and love. Especially when they are heart-shaped. That… Read More A Simple Valentine’s Day Tradition: 14 Days of Love Notes for Your Valentine