New Year, Same Me. But with a new goal to help enter 2023 with a wiser, more intentional, and more purposeful mindset.
Looking back on 2022, I can’t believe how fast the year went by. There were a lot of highs filled with travel, home projects, fashion finds and new business opportunities. And a lot of lows, especially experiencing all the “first holidays” without my dad being with us. I learned how to be strong and vulnerable, sometimes both at the same time, and this knowledge helped me set my goal for 2023.
Reflecting On My 2022 Goal
My Word of the Year for 2022 was BUILD (read more about my Words of the Year in this blog post). I wanted to “build” up everything. My business, my influencer reach, my friendships, my marriage, my relationship with my children, even my eyebrows, ha! And I did…well, I’m still working on those eyebrows. This year was the most successful growth for my blog and Instagram. And I started “building” long term relationships with different brands. My husband and I celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary and I feel we’re stronger than ever. And though my kids are now 13 and 10 and don’t think their mom is “cool” anymore, I feel blessed to have a close relationship with both of them.
My Goal for 2023
So for the first time in 8 years, I do not have a Word of the Year. My goal for 2023 is a bit more wordy even though it cuts straight to the chase. It is:
Respond Or React; But Choose Wisely
Like I said, a bit wordy, but it really speaks to me. To me, responding means answering. It means taking a moment to pause, process, and then proceed. It means staying in control and not letting someone, or something, take that power from me. I see reacting as an action, basically my action against one done to me. It’s fast and it reminds me of the fight or flight survival instinct.
In a perfect world where I’m a perfect person and everything goes perfectly, the obvious answer would be to always choose respond. But I’m not perfect and neither is the world so there are times when react is the best answer. My goal for 2023 is to wisely choose when to respond or react so my actions, words, decisions, and influence on others are intentional and purposeful.

What Are Your Goals for 2023?