I treated my skin to at-home LED Light Therapy for 2 weeks and was blown away by the results.

I have tried my fair share of skin-care products. Creams, serums, oils, you name it, I’ve probably used it. But skin care devices, that’s somewhat new territory for me. And the “it” skincare device that is currently getting ALL the buzz is the LED light therapy mask. With claims to reduce wrinkles and make skin look younger, this mask was something I had been eyeing for quite some time. Plus, I had received red light therapy treatments at facials before and liked the results. When CurrentBody reached out to me to test and review their best-selling LED Face Mask, I was definitely game to give it a shot. So let’s dive in to see why this beauty mask with slasher movie style vibes is getting all the hype. And most importantly, did it make a difference in my skin?
What Is LED Light Therapy? And What Makes the CurrentBody Mask So Special?

LED stands for “light emitting diode”. In laymen’s terms, this is a non-invasive treatment that uses non-thermal red light wave lengths to penetrate and stimulate skin to promote healing. Red light wave lengths travel deepest into the skin. They accelerate the production of new collagen and calm redness while creating an even skintone. LED therapy has been used by dermatologists and aesthicians for years but is making quite the scene in at-home skincare.
So why CurrentBody? This LED Face Mask uses both red and near-infared wavelengths. The added benefit of near-infared is that is works under the skin’s surface to boost circulation bringing oxygen and nutrients to the cells. This mask has 132 poweful LED lights (31% stronger than other at-home versions) for maximum skin coverage. It is made of soft silicone for comfort and flexibilty to fit your face shape. Most masks on ther market are hard, think like a welder’s mask. The CurrentBody website recommends this 10 minute treatment be done 3-5 times a week for maximum results.
Set Up & Day 1
Upon opening the box, I immediately plugged my LED light therapy mask in to charge (it uses a USB charger that is included). The instructions said it would take 2-3 hours; my mask was ready in less than 10 minutes. I washed my face and applied a CurrentBody Skin Hydrogel Face Mask (available to buy separately) to prep my skin for the treatment. The hydrogel face mask is not a necessity, any serum will work as a skin prep for the mask. I attached the headstrap (also included) and adjusted it to fit. The mask is a little heavy and slippery (especially with the serum). Make sure the strap is pulled taut or the mask will slide around. Then I switched on the device and laid down for 10 minutes to let the LED lights work their magic. You can watch this video to see me try this mask for the first time.
This LED light therapy mask has an automatic timer and conveniently shuts itself off after 10 minutes. I removed the mask, wiped it clean with an alcohol pad, snapped a “before” picture then continued with my morning skincare routine. It is a super simple process as long as you make the time to do it.
I didn’t know what to expect from just one treatment. But I did love how my skin felt after even though I think it was more from the Hydrogel Face mask than the LEDs.
Day 5 & Day 7

By Day 5, I was noticing a difference in the brightness of my skin. My dark spots were lighter and there was significantly less redness. The lines around my mouth were noticibally less deep also. I felt my face looked and felt softer and plumper, but in a youthful, not bloated kind of way.
Day 10 & Day 14

Remember ladies and gentlemen, I am wearing ZERO makeup and there are no filters, pre-sets or any type of photo editing in these pictures. It’s just me doing a selfie in my bathroom standing in roughly the same spot and roughly at the same time of day. And boy, can I make a mean serious face. Again, I noticed an improvement in my overall skin tone; brighter, less redness and more even.
The “Before” & “After”

LED Light Therapy Mask: The Pros & Cons
Pros: It works. I wasn’t sure how dramatic of a difference I would see in my skin but I was pleasantly surprised with the results. Comparing Day 1 to Day 14, I see significantly less redness, dark spots and a more even skintone. All the promises that red light therapy offers. And this mask is easy to use, clean, charge and store.
Cons: Unlike sheet face masks that stay put so you can multi-task while wearing one, this one does not. You really need to sit or lay down for it to stay on. And it is expensive. Less expensive than skincare treatments at the spa but still a hefty chunk of change to pay all at once. But if you use it regularly, the cost evens out and is well worth it.

This LED face mask has earned itself a regular appearance in my skincare regimen. I feel with continual use it will only help heal and restore my skin. But I do make sure to do this treatment when I am alone so I don’t scare the living daylights out of my husband and kids. For more information on this and other skincare devices, visit at CurrentBody. And you can use the code LANACB15 to save 15%.