Learn how to make a luxe and professional looking Christmas garland to decorate your fireplace mantel for the holidays.

Garland is my favorite way to decorate for Christmas. I have garland on my staircase, light fixtures, on my front porch, around my kitchen window, you get the picture. This year I made a DIY Christmas garland for the fireplace mantel and I love the classic holiday look it gives to the space. In this post, I am going to share the step-by-step process on how to construct this garland as well as some tips and tricks to make it look professional, expensive, and downright awesome! This is a quick and easy DIY, so lets get started.
Christmas Garland Supplies
- Pine Garland (tip*be sure to get “posable” garland like this one so you can use the pine branches to wrap and hold the ribbon and bead decor)
- Wide Christmas Ribbon to match your decor (I used this Buffalo Plaid one)
- 2 Decorative Garlands to match your decor ( I used this Star & Bead one)
- Christmas Sleigh Bell Door Hanger
- 3-4 Clear Medium Size Command Hooks
How to Assemble
Tip*I know it seems backward to hang the garland before decorating it but trust me it makes the whole process MUCH easier.

Position one command hook on the top of the mantel, about 1″ from the edge and the hook facing away from you. Repeat the process on the opposite end of the mantel.
I used a 3rd command hook in the center of mantel to raise the height of the garland. I felt it was too close for comfort to the fireplace.

Hook one end of the garland to a command hook. Secure the garland by wrapping a pine branch around the hook. Gently drape the garland across the mantel (according to your liking) and attach the garland to the second command hook. Leave 1.5′-2′ of garland hanging off the side to recreate the asymmetrical look.
Tip*play with the drape of the garland as well as the amount you have left on the side so it fits the shape, height, and length of your fireplace.
Once the garland is to your liking, begin to fluff and separate the branches of the garland. DO NOT miss this step. This is what makes the garland look lush and full.
Now that the garland is hung, it’s time to start the fun stuff. The decorating!!!

Take the end of the wide ribbon and wrap one of the garland branches around it to secure. Measure out a 4-6 inch section of ribbon, blouse it out and shape it a bit, then secure it to the garland with another pine branch.

Repeat this ribbon blousing and shaping process across the length of the mantel. Once you have reached the mantel edge, cut the ribbon and secure the end with another pine branch.

Now it is time to attach the decorator garlands. Take one garland, and secure the end of it to the edge of the mantel with a pine branch. I draped mine across the mantel three times, securing each point with another branch. Repeat the process with second decorator garland but starting at the opposite end of the mantel.

Adjust the spacing of the decorator garlands until you are happy with how they look.

Take the last command hook and attach it to the edge of the mantel, just under the draping pine garland. Hook the sleigh bells onto this command hook.

Ta-da, that’s it! Now stand back and revel in how beautiful your fireplace mantel Christmas garland turned out.
I love the asymetrical look of this Christmas garland. Normally I like things even and uniform but the cascading pine and sleigh bells add just the right whimsical touch to the mantel. And I like how the hanging wood bead and star decor draws your eyes down from the television.
I hope this post helps you get your home ready for the holidays!
Merry Christmas!