
What Is It Like To Be A Mom?

For the past few weeks, my 6 year old daughter has asked me this question almost daily. “Is it hard?” “Are you tired?” “Is it fun?” “What do you do all day when I’m at school?” And my personal favorite, “Does is hurt?” I am intrigued by her sudden curiosity about motherhood and with Mother’s Day this Sunday, her questions have made me pause and think about what it is like for me to be a mom.

Is it Hard?

My sweet girl, it is hard on so many levels and in so many ways. Motherhood has made me face and work through my own personal demons, fears, and insecurities. It has taught me how long I can go without sleeping, eating, bathing, or brushing my hair. It has challenged me to stand up for and protect what I believe in for the sake and safety of my children. My priorities and mindset have definitely changed since becoming a mom and that transformation was not easy. Everyday, I am challenged with choices on how to raise and guide my children. It is a tough learning process, riddled with success and failure, but with each step and decision I make, I know that I am trying my hardest.

Are You Tired?

Of course! Sleepless nights are par for course, especially in early motherhood. Though it seems like those newborn days, or actually nights, will never end, they do. At this stage in my motherhood journey, I think the word “overwhelmed” is a better description for what I am facing. Overwhelmed by choices (do I let them pick out their own outfits no matter what my fashion sense says), decisions (how much is “too much” screen time), and responsibilities (homework helper, snack mom duty, fundraiser chair, field trip chaperone), knowing that I am in charge of the life and well-being of these little ones.

But I am also being overwhelmed (in the best possible way) with love, joy, pride, and kindness. I would not have experienced tickle torture fights, water ballon wars, baking (and making messes) in the kitchen, singing and making up songs, creating inside jokes, and laughing until crying at silly things only our family could understand unless I was a mom.

Is it Fun?

It is the greatest adventure, EVER! I have never felt the extremity of joy and happiness until I became a mom. Watching my kids learn, grow, try, succeed, laugh, cry, fail, explore, get scared, and overcome their fears is such a rush of emotion. Any feeling I experienced on my own, pre-children, is magnified and glorified when I see my kids experience it too.

Does it Hurt?

Being a mom can be painful. I have been bit, hit, kicked, poked in the eyes, hair pulled, toes stepped on, and head butted, just to name a few, all in the name of motherhood. But to me, being a mom doesn’t hurt. It is restoring, refreshing, and has given my life a reason and a purpose which is to be the best mom for my children. Sure there are moments where my heart aches and stomach clenches when my kiddos have been wronged or did something wrong. But those moments do not define my motherhood journey.

So what is it like to be a mom?

This poem spoke to my heart as I feel it captures my experience with motherhood exactly.

Happy Mother’s Day!