DIY's & Tutorials, Lifestyle

How to Tell The Kids You Are Moving (and have them be excited about it)

When my husband and I made the decision to move cross country for a job relocation, the first thought we both had was “how are we going to tell our kids?” We wanted our children to be excited for our family’s move with as little confusion, tears, and sadness as possible. I talked with some dear friends of mine, all who had gone through multiple moves with their children, and each one suggested the same thing.

Present The Move To Your Children.

Present? What does that even mean?

Basically, put together a Power Point-esque presentation that tells your kids about their new home. Where it is on the map. What the area looks like. What the weather is like. Things that people like to do there. The food that is there. All these little details will help your children understand and get a grasp of what their new home will be like. And that knowledge is the key for getting them excited and looking forward to moving.

Here are some pictures from the presentation we did for our children.

We showed them where our new home was on the map.
History and special facts about our new home.
What the area and weather is like.
What our new house might be like.
What our backyard may look like.

Our presentation was a success! By the end of the slideshow, our children were beyond thrilled for our upcoming move. They could not wait for their new adventure to begin!

If you are moving, best of luck to you and your family on this new chapter. Whether you are going across town, the state, or the country like us, I hope you can find this information as useful as I did in getting the children excited for the move.