There’s no fowl play with these fun Thanksgiving themed games that the whole family can enjoy.

In our house, a holiday dinner is not complete without a fun family game (or three). We have done everything from Turkey Day Beer Pong (this was pre-children) to charades (we make our own cards) to a Victorian Christmas game where we wore paper crowns and played Christmas carols on plastic flutes (no one was taken seriously with those paper crowns on our heads). Today, I want to share our family’s favorite Thanksgiving Day games with you. They are tried and true winners that are easy and enjoyable for the whole family. So on Thanksgiving Day, I encourage you take a break from the hustle and bustle in the kitchen and carve out some time to make memories with your family by playing these festive games. Because that my friends, is what Thanksgiving is truly all about
Thanksgiving Bingo
We played Thanksgiving Bingo for many years, especially when my children were preschool age. They would love to play it over and over so it was a great game to keep all ages entertained and engaged throughout the day.

Turkey Day Crafts
No holiday is complete without a fun craft, or in this case crafts. There are so many great themed projects that we have done for Thanksgiving; turkey handprints, gingerbread turkey kits, and Pilgrim and Native American headbands. This handy craft kit from Amazon has all you need to make 3 fun-themed crafts.

Turkey Shootout
This was one of my favorite Thanksgiving Day games. Armed with half dozen orange balloons that I drew point scores and turkeys on with a Sharpie and a couple of my son’s Nerf guns, we had a laugh fest trying to aim, shoot, and fire. Let’s just say, I am happy my family does not depend on my hunting and shooting skills for survival.

Board Games that Everyone Will Enjoy
A good old classic board game is always a great option to have on hand during the holidays. These three are fun and engaging and my family loves playing them all. I like Hedbanz ecause younger children can participate with the easy to read cards. Hearing Things tests your lip reading skills (this was fun to play couple vs couple).
New to our game closet this year is Pictionary Air, Kids vs Grownups. Instead of playing on paper, your family’s drawings get transformed to the television for all to enjoy. You will need a tablet to download the free app (the easy to follow instructions are in the box) and play the game. The app also keeps score and has a timer so you don’t need to do anything except guess and draw. ***disclaimer – The adults section is tricky. On more than one occasion when we have played, the grownups had to level down to the kids drawing cards***

[…] stiff because our Thanksgiving celebration is an all day affair with brunching, football watching, game playing, and of course ALL the food. Second, it must be warm. I hate to be cold and instantly become a […]