If I had a dollar for every minute I’ve spent trying to fill in, shape up, & make symmetric eyebrows, I would be a millionaire…and still have puny eyebrows. So after years of complaining and buying practically every eyebrow product on the market, I decided to get microblading. And I’m sharing all the details of this beauty experience with you!

If I could go back in time and take the tweezers out of my teenage hands; I would. Fast forward to today and though some 90’s fashion trends are making a come back, I’m praying the pencil thin eyebrows do not. I have been filling in and shaping my eyebrows for 15 years, at least! I’ve used shadows, pencils, gels and stains. These products worked okay, some better than others. But I was never really satisfied with how they looked. And my eyebrow shaping and drawing skills were mediocre at best. I know in the big scheme of things, filling in your eyebrows is not a priority. But I was 100% over this daily application and wanted a bigger fuller brow that was consistent and complimented the shape of my face. So I finally pulled the trigger on microblading and decided to get my eyebrows done.
What Is Microblading?
Microblading is a semi-permanent form of cosmetic tattooing. Instead of using a tattoo gun, a blade shaped tool is used to create hairlike strokes along your brows while also adding pigment into your skin. While microblading is a type of tattoo, it is not a permanent tattoo. It uses a less concentrated ink that is specifically designed to fade into a lighter color of itself. And unlike traditional tattoos that puncture deep into the skin layers, microblading only affects the top layers for a less painful and less permanent procedure.
Choosing An Artist
I researched many different microblading artists and locations. I looked at websites, reviews, prices, policies, procedures and, most important to me, their work. And I looked at hundreds of before and after shots of microbladed eyebrows. There was only one artist whose work consistently stood out. So that is why I chose to see Jocelyn at Browdentity. Each one of her client’s picture had a beautiful and unique eyebrow that was perfectly shaped and color matched to their face. So many other places had pictures of women with cookie cutter eyebrows; where every color and shape was the same on everyone.
My Consult Appointment
My first appointment with Jocelyn was “consult only.” She and I discussed my eyebrows, my eyebrow “goals” and what my procedure would entail. I brought pictures of eyebrow shapes I loved and ones I hated. That was when Jocelyn assured me she never did anything free hand. Instead she would measure and diagram my face shape to create symmetrical and proportional eyebrows that matched my face and bone structure. Mind blown!! And I couldn’t wait for my official microblading appointment.
The Day Of
Microblading day finally came and I was so ready to say sayonara to all my eyebrow makeup products. When I arrived, I had to sign some paperwork and then she started. Jocelyn began by cleaning and numbing my eyebrow area with topical cream. Then her true artistry began to shine. Jocelyn placed a clear measuring template across my forehead and began measuring, marking, and drawing intersecting lines to create the perfect brow shape for my face. She showed me the proposed shape and I fell in love.
We both agreed on a pigment color and then the microblading began. At this point my eyebrow area was relatively numb. I could feel the beginning scratches but as Jocelyn continued to apply numbing cream between strokes, the pain was minimal. In fact, it was quite eerie to hear the scratches of the microblading on my skin but not feel it.
The actual microblading process is not just a few strokes against your skin and then you are done. It is a lengthy process with a number of rounds of strokes, pigment, and numbing applied to the face. Jocelyn’s professionalism and attention to detail was super impressive as she worked to create the perfect brow for me. My microblading appointment took the entire part of two hours and I was ecstatic when she handed me the mirror and I saw the end result. We set up a followup appointment in six weeks and I was on my way home with full, dark, and beautifully shaped eyebrows.

The Aftercare
Redness, swelling, scabbing and soreness are all part of the post-healing process. The eyebrow area has been cut and wounded so it is sensitive. That evening my eyebrows felt sore and tender but it was gone by morning. Jocelyn advised me to not get my eyebrows wet, avoid the sun, and apply a light moisturizer like Aquaphor to help the area heal.
For the first few days, my eyebrows were VERY dark, as Jocelyn told me they would be. But as they began to heal and the skin peeled, the beautiful and natural looking color began to show through. After one week, my eyebrows had healed and they looked amazing!
The Follow-Up Appointment
The six weeks went by fast and I soon found myself (and my eyebrows) under Jocelyn’s care. No one can predict how skin will take the pigment. The purpose of this follow up appointment is to assess, refill and redefine any areas that didn’t “take.” She meticulously examined my eyebrows and began to fine tune her work from before. The process was similar to my last appointment. Numbing, blading, more numbing, more blading, until she was satisfied. It took just about an hour to complete. I wasn’t sure how she could have improved upon my already beautiful brows, but she did. And depending how long my skin holds the pigment, it should be close to a year before I need to go see Jocelyn for another “touch-up.”
Am I glad I got my eyebrows done? You bet!! I love waking up in the morning and having beautiful thick brows. I cut out a few lengthy steps in my makeup routine and it is so nice to have symmetrical brows every day. If you want a break from filling in your brows or want to see what having thick brows is like, microblading might be something to look into.

This is so helpful. Thank you for sharing.