No matter how chic, expensive or the number of dividers & stickers your planner has; if it’s not used, it’s a complete waste! Try these simple tips that I use to effectively & efficiently use my planner and organize the day.
You know how people love that new book smell? Well, for me, it’s that new planner smell. I’m an avid list-maker and opening a brand new agenda is like opening a Christmas present. There’s something about the fresh crisp pages and structured monthly calendar; all ready to be filled in with goals, lists and to-do’s. I digress, but my love for a planner runs deep.
The dictionary describes a planner as “something (such as a device, program, or notebook) that provides a schedule and is used for planning activities, travel, etc. Like most things, if you don’t use it you lose it. My yearly planner is my idea container, organizational hub, chore listing, exercise encouraging, business brainstorming, to-do list central. It keeps me accountable, on track, and focused. So how do I do it? In this blog post, I share 5 tips that help me use a planner like a pro.

5 Tips To Use Planner Like A Pro
In Plain Sight
First, keep your planner in plain sight. This may seem obvious but using your planner as a paperweight or decorative book prop does not work. It MUST stay visible. I keep my planner next to my laptop and work note pad. In the morning when I check my emails and begin work for the day, my planner is right there for reference and use.
Write It All Down
As I get older, the less I remember…and the more things I need to write down. My daily planner is divided into two columns: home and business. I write down everything from household chores and appointments to content scheduling and photo shoots and everything in between. Even meal planning. Once this daily “brain dump” is done, I can then organize, prioritize, and time manage.
Schedule Joy
Part of the “all” I write down is moments of joy. I do this to not only remember them but to have something special for me to look forward to everyday. I set aside time to peloton, read, do a weekly face mask and try a new recipe or diy project. Although these moments are not necessarily big or fancy they do refresh, refuel and bring me joy.
Use Post-It Notes
These bold brightly colored squares of paper are such a helpful tool!! I use them for my week-long goals and for projects that require more time and energy. And if a big project didn’t get finished that week, I turn the page in my planner and carry the post-it over to the next week.
Be Fluid
Life is not perfect and neither is your planner. Be fluid if time lines need to shift. Or a project or to-do list doesn’t get done. There has to be wiggle room for added events and goals that happen spontaneously. My life has rarely gone according to plan and some of those best things that have happened to me were definitely not in my planner.
Chic Affordable Planners That I’m Loving

It is not difficult or complicated to use your planner like a pro. These 5 tips have been helpful for me but it’s important to find a system that works for you! I just recently started adding post-it notes to my planner and it was a game changer for me. Let me know what tip was most helpful to you.
“A Goal Without A Plan Is Just A Wish” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery