Gravity takes a horrible toll on hanging sweaters. Stretched out fabric, pokey shoulder imprints and ruined necklines begone with this simple sweater hanging method.
You probably are not going to believe this, but I bet you are 100% hanging your sweaters the wrong way! Okay, well maybe not ALL of you. But I have seen plenty of ruined sweaters from improper hanging and I am here to help. I, too, used to hang my sweaters wrong. They would last, maybe a season or two, and then have to be thrown out because they were stretched out or had those pesky poky shoulder points that would never go away. Folding sweaters is alright but it takes up a ton of dresser space. And it’s easy to forget about certain sweaters when they are at the bottom of the folded pile. In this post, I share an amazing method to properly hang your sweaters so they won’t get ruined. And, as an added bonus, this sweater hanging technique works with all sweater styles, cardigans, and even sweater dresses!
How to Properly Hang Your Sweater

- Place your sweater on a flat surface. Fold the sweater in half, vertically and line up the sleeves.

2) Place the hanger (I prefer these non-slip felt ones) on the sweater so the hook is in the armpit area of the sweater.

3) Fold the body of the sweater over one arm of the hanger.

4. Fold the arms of the sweater over the other arm of the hanger.

That’s It!
I love this technique because not only does it may save my sweaters, it also prevents them from sliding off the hanger and landing in a heap on the floor. This “rounded” folding technique leaves zero lines or marks.
So from one sweater lover to another, I hope learning this method to properly hang your sweaters helped you as much as it helped me. For more fashion tips, tricks, and styling be sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook!