
How to Make the Most of Daylight Saving Time

This Sunday we officially welcome the fall and winter seasons by turning our clocks back one hour. While daylight saving time may be a hassle or seem unnecessary to some, this bi-yearly event is a great reminder to do some simple things for yourself and for your home.  Try these easy tips and ideas to help make the most of “falling back”. 

For the Home

  1. Test your smoke detectors and change their batteries.  This simple task is one you do not want to forget. 
  2. Clean out your closet.  Use this time to toss or donate those summer clothes and other warm weather items that are past their prime.  Then transfer your favorite fall and winter items to the forefront of your closet space.  Not only will your closet be organized but now you will have more room for your incredible Black Friday & other holiday sale purchases.  Organization and savings? Double score!!

For you

  1. Catch up on your sleep.  According to the CDC, 40% of adults do not get enough shuteye.  Besides making you grumpy and tired the next day, inadequate sleep increases the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and more.  Do yourself a favor and take advantage of the extra hour of sleep Saturday night and be sure to catch some zzz’s throughout the season. 
  2. Find “me” time.  The early darkness forces us indoors sooner.  Use this extra time inside to do something productive for your well being.  Whether it is a long bubble bath, starting a new book, limiting your screen time, or doing a puzzle with the family, find something to refuel your spirit. 
  3. Stay hydrated.  There is nothing more refreshing than a glass of ice water on a hot summer day.  But it is harder to remember to drink that same glass of water when it is dark and dreary.  Get your fluids by drinking hot beverages (I love Aveda’s tea) and eat plenty of water-dense fruits and veggies like cucumbers, lettuces, oranges, and pineapple. 
  4. Have Fun.  I am pretty sure longer nights means more time for happy hour and cocktails.  Use these extended evening hours to socialize, party, and have fun with family and friends. 

Now do not forget to set your clocks Saturday night!