I am always on the lookout for new and improved ways to streamline and simplify my makeup routine without compromising my high standard for quality and appearance. There is so much beauty product on the market (both good and bad) as well as advice on said beauty product (also both good and bad). It can be extremely overwhelming.
I learned these 4 simple tricks from professional makeup artists over the years. They are absolute musts when I apply my makeup.

1) Do your eye makeup first.
I learned this tried and true trick from a D.C. area makeup artist while getting my makeup done for a wedding. She advised that after prepping your skin with moisturizer, primer, and the like, begin applying make up to your eyes first.
How many times had I made a mistake doing my eyeliner? Or accidentally smudged mascara on my face and cheek? With foundation on, I would have to clean up my eye makeup mistake first. Then I would need to reapply and blend in a new area of concealer and foundation, both frustrating and time consuming.
But with my face foundation free, my mistakes could easily be fixed with a swipe of a Q-tip or cotton swab. Simple as that. So remember, eye make up first, face makeup last.

2) Pencil line your eyebrows before filling in with powder.
I love the thick eyebrow trend as of late. But even before bold beautiful brows were a thing, I had always filled in and darkened my eyebrows with just powder. But then I would sweat or accidentally swipe my hand against my eyebrows and send the powder sliding across my face.
One embarrassing time, I was wearing over-sized sunglasses with my “powder only” brows. When I took my sunglasses off, I had a line of powder completely across my forehead. The powder had stuck to my sunglasses frame instead of to me. So every time I adjusted my glasses, I unknowingly had rubbed a dark line of powder across my forehead. Yikes!
A MAC make up artist taught me to outline and shape my eyebrows with a light eye pencil first; lighter than my eyebrow color actually. Then he said to fill in the shape with an eyebrow powder and blend. My problem was solved because the powder stayed within the boundary line created by the light eye pencil. Since the dark brown eye brow powder was no longer traveling across my face, I could now have sleek shaped eyebrows that would last all day. Trust me, definitely use a liner for eyebrows.

3) Use a Beauty Blender
I know blending sponges are not new to the beauty world and they have already received a lot of acclaim. Truth be told, I did not believe the hype. I thought my fingertips did a fine enough job blending my makeup, thank you very much. But, under the urging of another MAC makeup artist, I agreed to give the beauty blender a try. My mind was blown! This little tear drop shaped sponge worked miracles. It expertly blended concealer, highlighter and foundation. The unique shape reached all areas of my face, both delicately and effectively. Way better than my fingertips.
Bonus Advice: Lightly dampen the beauty blender prior to applying makeup. The wet sponge will absorb less product so more goes on the face, not in the sponge. This also results in better blending and coverage. Plus, the cool sponge feels so refreshing when dabbed on the skin.

4) Eyelid primer
I used to believe eyelid primer was unnecessary and a waste of money. I thought if I just kept reapplying my eye shadow, I could fix the creases, cracks, and powder fallout that comes with wearing it. Boy, was I ever wrong. Eyelid primer works miracles in keeping your eye makeup on your face so it will last all day. It gives the eye shadow something to adhere to so there are no smudges, cracks, or creases.
I have a tinted primer that doubles as a light eye shadow base so it’s a win win.
Invest in eyelid primer, you won’t be sorry.
I hope you found this advice helpful in adding a touch of luxe to your makeup routine. Each trick is so simple and effective! So have fun with each one, you gorgeous glamorous thing!!
I’ll have to try the sponge!